Commercial Group record for Parcel ID: 16073550090000
    101-1   101-2   102-1   103-1
Commecial Use 940 941 160 940
Cost Grade A A A A
Inside Grade A A A A
Outside Grade A A A A
Over all Condition ? ? ? ?
Inside Condition P P P P
Outside Condition P P P P
Base Floor 1 0 1 1
Base Floor Area 1920 1920 288 432
Number of Floors 2 1 1 1
Additional Floor Area
Total Floor Area  3840  1920  288  432
Lighting P P P P
Heating/Cooling type 1 NO NO WF NO
Heating/Cooling type 2
Total Income Area 3840 1920 288 432
Total Number of Income U. 1 1 1 1
Average Inc Unit Size 3840 1920 288 432
Percent Heated 1 100 100 100 100
Percent Heated 2
Percent Sprinklers
Rentable Square Footage
The data shown in the above table comes from the Assessor’s CAMA database and is current as of May 22, 2015. If you have issue with any of the data shown here please contact the Assessor’s Office at (385)468-8000.