Commercial Section Parcel_ID: 16073550090000
Record ID 101 102 103
Number of Occurances
Building Number
Class C C C
Depreciation Grade A A A
Tenant Apeal A A A
Exterior Wall type BR BR BR
Foundation Y Y Y
Perimeter 164 60 72
Stories 2.0 1.0 1.0
Street Height 12 12 12
Ground Floor Area 1920 288 432
% office
Year Built 1937 1937 1937
Effective Year Built 1977 1984 1977
Year Remodeled
Land Building ratio 3.40 22.69 15.13
Misc Structer
Misc Structure Val
Asst Class C C C
Econ. Life
Remain Econ. Life
Phy pct Good
Fun pct Good
Ecn pct Good
Pct Complete 100 100 100
RCN  $ 386,520  $ 50,896  $ 40,196
RCNLD  $ 81,169  $ 10,688  $ 8,441
Sound Val $ 1,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,000
Site Config A A A
Conformity A A A
Rental Class D D D
Call Ctr Amen
Aprt Amen
The data shown in the above table comes from the Assessor’s CAMA database and is current as of May 22, 2015. If you have issue with any of the data shown here please contact the Assessor’s Office at (385)468-8000.