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Purchase Certificate(s) of Eligibility from BCI

- You must Purchase Certificate(s) AND File Petition(s) within 180 days from date BCI responds to your application

As of May 4, 2022, until June 30, 2023, the "Certificates of Eligibility" fee has been waived by the Utah State Legislature. 

  • BCI will automatically send you all Certificates of Expungement Eligibility that you qualify for.  They will also tell you the reasons behind any Utah criminal records ineligible for expungement.

If you chose to have your responses sent to you via email, it can be confusing to access the documents, make sure to follow these instructions: INSTRUCTIONS (English) | INSTRUCCIONES (Spanish) . Check your spam/junk folders often 90 days after submitting your application.

  • Certificates will expire within 180 days from the dates you receive them.