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Daily Challenge

ΤΑΚΕ A οεεΡ KEATHDay 1: Take a breathing break throughout your workday.

What is a breathing break? A breathing break is something that can be a practice where you spend as little or as much time as you want on it. Breathing breaks are exactly what it sounds like, set aside a specific amount of time, and bring your focus back to your breathing. Breathing is something that is innate and something we do without even thinking about it throughout the day, but when we take a moment and center our selves around our breathing, it allows us to stop, clear our minds, and take a moment just for yourself.

Learn more about breathing and the different techniques that you can practice and/or participate in a Healthy Lifestyles guided Mindful Breathing Meditation.

A person swimming in the water.Day 2: Practice mindfulness throughout your personal life and workday.

What is mindfulness? Mindfulness maintains a moment-by-moment awareness of our thought’s feelings, bodily sensations, and our surrounding environments in an accepting way. It is a mental state that is achieved by focusing on the present and living in the now.

Understand the many benefits of practicing mindfulness, participate in a What is Mindfulness Meditation, and/or learn more about mindfulness and what that can look like in your life.

gratefulDay 3: Practice gratitude.

Find and acknowledge three good things that have happened throughout your day and write them down.

Why practice gratitude? Gratitude allows us to live in the present moment and appreciate the value of something that has happened. Gratitude also allows us to feel the happiness or positive effects of that situation for a longer amount of time. Practicing this also allows for individuals to be more stress resistant, and a higher sense of self-worth.

Learn more about the many benefits to practicing gratitude and incorporating the practice into your daily routine.

Practicing gratitude is a mindset and an action. Learn how to cultivate gratitude while at work.