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Work Groups

Below is a list of our active work groups under the Criminal Justice Advisory Council (CJAC). These work groups focus on addressing specific gaps or issues in the community and criminal justice system to inform CJAC.

Current Work Groups

Mission Statement:

Increase collaboration across police departments, evaluate best practices regarding crisis response for law enforcement officers and reduce high utilization of emergency and crisis responders by communication across agencies. 

Goals of the Community Crisis Response Team: 

  • Increased collaboration regarding the community response and needs for the high utilizers across Salt Lake County. 
  • Create streamlined systemic response between law enforcement and community resources 
  • Resource assessment and education on current resources  
  • Identify holes and gaps in long term help for this population 
  • Increased communication between agencies regarding the continual police response required for certain citizens 
  • Create policies across the county for mental health response and coding