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Jury Duty

Dear Utah Citizen:

As a juror, you play an essential role in America's justice system. Your role is based on the tenets of a free society found in the Utah and U.S. Constitutions.

American citizens have the right to a fair trial and jurors ensure this right is upheld. Jury service is a chance to participate in the democratic process, as well as an opportunity to learn more about how the judicial system works.Though jury service may at first seem inconvenient, afterwards jurors typically say they've enjoyed being part of the process.

This website will provide an overview of what you can expect if selected to serve on a jury. Use the links in the box above to select the content you would like to view.

Thank you for serving!


Matthew B. Durrant
Chief Justice
Utah Supreme Court


Frequently Asked Questions

The court sends out Jury Questionnaires 3 times a year in 4 month increments. This will give you time to plan vacations, doctor visits, child care or to let your work know that you may have to serve. Sometime within the 4 months you will receive a summons by mail to call the "Jury Hotline" which will tell you if, when, and where you will appear for Jury Service.

Usually our Jury trials only last a day however, in some circumstances they could last 2 days.

Waiting times depend on different factors. Usually there are other cases scheduled to be heard and once resolved, if a jury is still to proceed, the Jury selection process begins.

Jury selection usually takes about an hour. Jurors not selected are then excused and allowed to leave. The Jurors selected for the trial will then remain until the trial is completed.

If you choose not to show for Jury Service the court may hold you in contempt of court and are subject to fines and jail time.

Judges can excuse you for public necessity, extreme inconvenience, or if you are incapable of jury service. The Jury clerk can sometimes, but not always, accommodate your schedule. Everyone is inconvenienced to some degree by jury service, but for the system to work, people from all walks of life must be willing to serve. Those who refuse to complete the juror questionnaire or refuse to appear when called to serve are subject to fines and jail time for contempt of court.