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Anti-Displacement Policy

Consistent with the goals and objectives of activities assisted under these federal programs, Salt Lake County’s Housing & Community Development will take the following steps to minimize the displacement of people, businesses, nonprofits, and/or farms. 

  1.     Discourage projects involving displacement/relocation through a grant application scoring system that reduces the total score of projects that anticipate displacement/relocation;
  2.   Encourage project sponsors to plan or stage projects to minimize and/or prevent the adverse impacts of displacement;
  3.   Provide for the establishment of temporary relocation facilities in order to provide housing to households whose displacement will be temporary;
  4.   Provide advisory services which will include such measures, facilities, and services as may be necessary to determine relocation needs, or other assistance for which displaced persons may be eligible;
  5.   Coordinate code enforcement with rehabilitation and housing assistance programs; and
  6.   Stage the rehabilitation of apartment units to allow tenants to remain in the building/complex during and after rehabilitation by working with empty units or buildings first.


Any residential tenant who will be permanently and involuntarily displaced shall be entitled to the following services and benefits: 

  1. Timely information.  The tenant will be contacted and provided timely information that fully explains the reason for the displacement and the relocation assistance available;
  2. Advisory services.  The tenant will be provided appropriate advisory services necessary to minimize hardships in adjusting to the relocation;
  3. Advance notice.  Unless there is an urgent need for the property (e.g., substantial danger to a person’s health or safety) or the tenant is evicted for cause, the tenant shall be given at least 90 days’ advance notice of the earliest possible date which they must vacate the property;
  4. Replacement Housing Assistance.  Replacement housing assistance is available to both renters and owners in the form of rental assistance or purchase assistance.  The replacement assistance is based on a number of factors as provided in the Uniform Relocation Act and its regulations at 49 CFR Part 24; and

Moving Expenses.  The tenant will be reimbursed for reasonable, documented costs of his/her moving and related expenses; or the tenant may elect to receive a fixed payment for moving and related expenses.