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Suicide Prevention Training

Employees at Salt Lake County's Recorder's office recently engaged in QPR suicide prevention training through the Healthy Lifestyles Program at the county. This initiative, part of Salt Lake County's broader wellness efforts, equips employees with skills to recognize and address signs of suicide risk.

The training, offered by Healthy Lifestyles, teaches the QPR method: Question, Persuade, Refer. Participants learn how to identify warning signs, approach at-risk individuals, and connect them with support resources.

Utah faces higher-than-average suicide rates in the nation, making such training critical. With access to resources like the QPR program, employees not only enhance their well-being but also contribute to a safer and more supportive workplace environment and broader communities.

Read more about the QPR Suicide Prevention Program here.

A group of people sitting around a table looking at a screen. A group of people sitting around a table looking at a screen.