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QPR Suicide Prevention

QPR is intended to teach individuals how to recognize the warning signs of suicide and provides guidelines on how to: Question a person about potential suicidal thoughts, Persuade them to seek help, and Refer them to appropriate professional services. Any county employee and Healthy Lifestyles participant is eligible to take the training.


Register for QPR Training

A group of hands holding each other. A group of hands holding each other.

QPR Suicide Prevention Training


July 9th
10:00-11:30 AM

A close-up of people shaking hands. A close-up of people shaking hands.

QPR Suicide Prevention Training


October 14th
10:00 - 11:30 AM

Comments & Testimonials

“The QPR Suicide training was very eye-opening. I enjoyed the role play as I haven’t had much practice with this and now I feel like I can.”

“The QPR Suicide Prevention Training was enlightening. I will use the method whenever I see the signs of suicidal thoughts in somebody.”