6 Cyclosporiasis


14 cases

Fewer than 5 deaths

14.3 % of cases were hospitalized

1.2 cases per 100,000 population

6.1 Epidemiologic Review

6.1.1 Disease Information

Overview: Cyclosporiasis is an infection caused by the protozoan parasite Cyclospora cayetanensis. C. cayetanensis is widely distributed throughout the world, including the United States.

Symptoms: Symptoms include watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, and weight loss. Severe symptoms most often occur among young children and older adults.

Transmission: Transmission can occur by drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Person-to-person transmission is unlikely.

Treatment: Cyclosporiasis usually resolves on its own. When treatment is necessary, antibiotics are an effective form of treatment.

Prevention Prevention measures include not swallowing recreational water or drinking untreated water, and thoroughly washing all fresh fruits and vegetables prior to eating.

6.1.2 Demographics

Demographic figures are not available due to low counts.

6.1.3 Outbreaks

No outbreaks were identified in 2022.

6.1.4 Monthly and Historical Comparisons

2022 had the the highest rate of cyclosporiasis in the previous 5 years.

Data for Utah and the CDC were retrieved from the CDC’s Notifiable Infectious Disease Data Tables and were available up until 2020.

6.2 Key Things to Know

  • The median duration of illness was 14 days.
  • The most reported symptoms were diarrhea (92%), abdominal pain (78%), and nausea (71%).
  • 78% of cases reported foreign travel, with Mexico as the most frequently reported location.
  • 14% of cases reported an immunocompromised status.