24 HIV, New


87 cases

Fewer than 5 deaths

14.9 % of cases were hospitalized

7.4 cases per 100,000 population

24.1 Epidemiologic Review

24.1.1 Disease Information

Overview: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a virus that affects the immunity of those infected.

Symptoms: Symptoms of acute illness may include fever, chills, rash, night sweats, fatigue, swollen lymph nodes and mouth ulcers. Many people do not experience any symptoms of acute infection.

Transmission: Transmission occurs most commonly through vaginal or rectal sex. Infection can also occur with injection drug use and sharing needles.

Treatment: There is currently no cure for HIV. Early and consistent treatment with antiretrovirals have shown to be successful in managing the disease.

Prevention Use of condoms, reducing the number of sexual partners, not sharing needles and increased routine screening can help prevent the spread of disease. Taking pre-exposure prophylaxis is recommended for high risk individuals.

24.1.2 Demographics

Rates for <1, 1-4, 5-17, and 65+ years of age are not displayed due low case counts.

Race Rate per 100k
American Indian or Alaska Native <5 cases
Asian <5 cases
Black or African American 22.8
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 26.5
Other Race 15.3
Unknown <5 cases
White 6.2
Two or More Races <5 cases

Rates for people identifying as Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders, and Other Race are elevated.

Rates for people identifying as American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Unknown Race and Two or More Races are not displayed due to low case counts.

Ethnicity Rate per 100k
Hispanic or Latino 17.7
Not Hispanic or Latino 4.6

Rates for Hispanic or Latino people are elevated.

Rates for Unknown Ethnicity are not displayed due to low case counts.

24.1.3 Outbreaks

No outbreaks were identified in 2022.

24.1.4 Monthly and Historical Comparisons

Data for Utah and the CDC were retrieved from the CDC’s Notifiable Infectious Disease Data Tables and were available up until 2020.

24.2 Key Things to Know

  • Men comprise the majority of new diagnosis in Salt Lake County and throughout the United States.
  • HIV is primarily spread through sexual contact with an infected partner, and through sharing needles during injection drug use.
  • Early detection is the key to a successful outcome for those with HIV infection. If you are sexually active or share needles with others, contact your doctor to get screened for HIV. Visit the SLCoHD STD Clinic webpage for additional information.
  • HIV is a manageable disease when patients adhere to proper care and treatment.