37 Data Notes

  • Summarized diseases include reportable conditions with a 2022 count ≥ 10. Diseases with a 2022 count fewer than 10 are not included.
  • Covid-19 and Influenza data are summarized in a separate report.
  • Analysis included data based on date reported to public health (1/1/22-12/31/22) and case status (Table A). Outbreak data are only provided for diseases where outbreaks were identified (Table A).
  • Rates were calculated per 100,000 population. Population denominators are based on 2022 US Census Estimates obtained through ESRI.
  • U.S. incidence rates are not available for diseases that are not nationally notifiable or whose data are otherwise unavailable.
  • Race and ethnicity data may not sum exactly to 100% due to rounding error. Age and sex data may not sum exactly to 100% due to the exclusion of unknown data.
  • Deaths and Hospitalizations reported in this report reflect the number of individuals with the condition (or disease) at the time of event. However, it is unknown if the condition was the direct cause of the death or hospitalization.
  • Case definitions and inclusion criteria for notifiable diseases can be found here: https://ndc.services.cdc.gov/event-codes-other-surveillance-resources/