7 Giardiasis


83 cases

0 deaths

4.8 % of cases were hospitalized

7.1 cases per 100,000 population

7.1 Epidemiologic Review

7.1.1 Disease Information

Overview: Giardiasis is a diarrheal disease caused by the microscopic parasite Giardia. Giardia is found worldwide and in every region of the United States.

Symptoms: Symptoms include diarrhea, gas or flatulence, greasy stool, upset stomach, nausea, dehydration, and weight loss. Some cases are asymptomatic.

Transmission: Transmission can occur by drinking contaminated water, eating contaminated food, or it can also be transmitted from person-to-person through the fecal-oral route.

Treatment: Certain antibiotics and anti-parasitics are effective forms of treatment.

Prevention: Prevention methods include proper hand hygiene and avoiding drinking untreated water.

7.1.2 Demographics

Rates for <1 year of age are not displayed due low case counts.

Race Rate per 100k
Asian 10.9
Other Race 5.1
Unknown <5 cases
White 8.4
Black or African American <5 cases
American Indian or Alaska Native <5 cases
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander <5 cases
Two or More Races <5 cases

Rates for are not displayed for the American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or Two or More Races due low case counts.

Ethnicity Rate per 100k
Hispanic or Latino 4.1
Not Hispanic or Latino 7.4
Unknown <5 cases

Rates for Unknown Ethnicity are not displayed due to low case counts.

7.1.3 Outbreaks

No outbreaks were identified in 2022.

7.1.4 Monthly and Historical Comparisons

Data for Utah and the CDC were retrieved from the CDC’s Notifiable Infectious Disease Data Tables and were available up until 2020.

7.2 Key Things to Know

  • The median duration of illness was 18 days.
  • 34% of cases reported a water exposure, which includes natural water sources and pools.
  • 41% of cases reported weight loss.
  • 12% of cases were co-infected with another enteric disease.
  • 4% of cases were co-infected with HIV.
  • 79% of cases reported foreign travel as a risk factor.
  • The most reported location for foreign travel was Mexico. 27% of cases with foreign travel reported visiting Mexico.
  • 14% of cases are recent immigrants.