23 Gonorrhea


1,986 cases

Fewer than 5 deaths

1.6 % of cases were hospitalized

169.9 cases per 100,000 population

23.1 Epidemiologic Review

23.1.1 Disease Information

Overview: Gonorrhea is a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Symptoms: Symptoms can include unusual genital or rectal discharge, painful urination, frequent urination and pain during intercourse. Serious complications can include disseminated infection (an infection that spreads to other organs), pelvic inflammatory disease or prostatis (inflammation of the prostate).

Transmission: Transmission occurs during vaginal, oral or rectal sex with an infected partner through contact with infected body fluids.

Treatment: Antibiotics are the recommended form of treatment.

Prevention Use of condoms, reducing the number of sexual partners and increased routine screening can help prevent the spread of disease.

23.1.2 Demographics

Individuals between 18-29 years of age comprise the largest age group with infection, representing almost 50% of all cases in Salt Lake County.

Rates for <1 and 1-4 years of age are not displayed due low case counts.

Race Rate per 100k
American Indian or Alaska Native 317
Asian 98
Black or African American 680.6
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 326.9
Other Race 141.8
Two or More Races 9.1
Unknown <5 cases
White 169.8

Rates for American Indian or Alaska Native, Black or African American, and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islanders are elevated.

Rates for Unknown Race are not displayed due low case counts.

Ethnicity Rate per 100k
Hispanic or Latino 224.6
Not Hispanic or Latino 144.9
Unknown <5 cases

Rates for Hispanic or Latino people are elevated.

Rates for Unknown Ethnicity are not displayed due to low case counts.

23.1.3 Outbreaks

No outbreaks were identified in 2022.

23.1.4 Monthly and Historical Comparisons

Gonorrhea rates in the United States have been increasing for nearly 10 years, which raises concerns about antibiotic resistance for current and past treatment regimens.

Data for Utah and the CDC were retrieved from the CDC’s Notifiable Infectious Disease Data Tables and were available up until 2020.

23.2 Key Things to Know

  • Gonorrhea is the second leading bacterial STD in the United States and in Salt Lake County.
  • Individuals with persistent infection with gonorrhea are at risk for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) and infertility.
  • Any sexually active person can be infected with gonorrhea.
  • According to the CDC, in the United States, the highest reported rates of infection are among sexually active teenagers, young adults, and African Americans.